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Results for "Analytics"


Analytics from all your sourcesWHY Fuse HR?Fuse HR will revolutionise the way you store, access and pay for HR data, and provides integrated analytics across disparate data systems.HR Data model out of the box. We provide the data model and modeling you need to enable...

Position Management Enables Better Analytics

Position Management Enables Better Analytics

There are lots of ways to think about position management. Industries have specialized techniques that apply to certain verticals, and may use specialized metrics to help them plan. Position management involves the metrics you use to analyze employee forecasting and...

Peril in HR Predictive Analytics

Having spent the past 15+ years in Human Resources technology,  I am generally excited about the things happening with SaaS, Mobile, and Analytics software and technology helping HR bring long awaited strategic value to organizations globally.  However, it is critical...

Back to school reading for HR Analytics

There are a few books we have run across that are excellent foundations in transforming HR into a strategic business function using Analytics. The HR Value Proposition by Dave Ulrich and Wayne Brockbank A milestone book for HR professionals that led the way to HR...

Human Resources Analytics Primer

This introduction to the terminology of Business Intelligence covers some of the basic concepts often discussed in Analytics software and reporting.  While the concepts can and do fill many books, current HR software typically does not contain the breadth of data...


Analytics from all your sourcesWHY Fuse HR?Fuse HR will revolutionise the way you store, access and pay for HR data, and provides integrated analytics across disparate data systems.HR Data model out of the box. We provide the data model and modeling you need to enable...

Privacy and Security

Fuse has built a platform in the cloud from the ground up to enable client services to support the growing demand for privacy and security globally. We focus on helping clients manage out sensitive data and documents and we take trust seriously by focusing on...

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